How should I make a webinar registration funnel?

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Webinars are a powerful way to generate leads, boost your brand awareness and sales. Creating a webinar registration funnel can help you convert your visitors into leads into customers. You can use marketing tricks to drive targeted audiences to your webinar registration page.  


Ideally, every webinar registration page should take visitors to a “Thank You” page after they sign up for the event. The end goal of a successful webinar registration funnel is to generate leads and make sales. 


Here are some ways to make webinar registration funnel: –


  • Create a standalone registration page for the webinar on your landing page


  • Advertise online on social media channels using an attractive headline and messaging. 


  • Set up remarketing to make sure your targeted audience is reminded about the webinar everytime they browse online. 


  • Set up email marketing automation for both pre webinar and post webinar stage to bring in more visitors and convert those who attended the webinar to leads. 


  • Use the webinar to build relationships with your potential customers that last long and bring in desired results.  


  • Always A/B test your registration page, social media posts and paid campaigns for optimal results.


Hope you create a successful webinar registration funnel with the above mentioned techniques. 


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