How do I go to a webinar on twitter?

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Twitter is one of the biggest platforms today. You can use it to promote your webinar in multiple ways. We will guide you on how to rock a webinar on Twitter. 


Twitter is one of the biggest live chat platforms which is used today by millions of people. Even many top-rated celebs are also using Twitter and thus it is one of the most used platforms for webinar promotion. 


Let’s understand how to use Twitter to gain the maximum for your webinar – 


  • Scheduling – Scheduling is one of the most important keys in a webinar. You must schedule your webinar in such a way that the maximum audience could be targeted. Thus, make sure that you select during the mid-week time and between 12-3 PM. 


  • Twitter Chat – Twitter chat is one of the best ways to interact with a huge audience and that too in different ways. This allows you to exchange information and even listen to their views and thoughts. 


  • Social Integration – How about the integration of Twitter with other social media channels. You can merge twitter with your different social media channels to gain maximum traffic and audience. 


Twitter is one of the top rated platforms and thus make sure that you utilize it fully for webinar marketing. 


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