How Do I Track A Webinar Landing Page Conversion?

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Tracking a webinar landing page conversion is tricky, whether you’re using social media campaigns, advertisements, or emails to promote your event. The leads you generate will eventually lead to your landing page. 


Why so?


This is because all of them will be required to sign up. The best way you can do so is to set a proper tracking method on your website and landing pages to monitor the number of unique people visiting your website. Besides the landing page, do the same for the thank you pages. For example, the confirmation page where a user is directed after signing up on the landing page. 


Keep it simple to visualize the number of visitors on your landing page and also monitor the pages that are actually getting converted. The conversion can be measured with the rate called the click-through rate. If you fail to measure the number of visits for not many users signing up visiting your landing page, it is an indication to take a view and the promotional tactics.


Use a consistent message and do not divert. Your primary focus should be the target audience at hand and do not send information unrelated to your event. It may also be possible that the page views are many but the conversion rate is less. To overcome the challenge, make sure the form has quick questions, for your target audience to share details. 


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