How to announce a webinar?

webinar announcement

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Now that a webinar has been planned and participation has been finalised, the question arises on how to announce a webinar and send out invitations for the same. Basically put, a webinar is a seminar conducted online and what better place to announce an online event than the internet? There are umpteen number of sources and methods on the internet to promote and announce a webinar. 


As soon as the participants have registered online and the login details are provided, the attendee should be kept up to date with the developments of the webinar and be sent constant reminders about the same. Remember, moderation is key and the reminders should not irritate the attendee. An invitation must be sent to the participant and it should suffice all the details and of the event. Click here to know more about webinar invitations.


Apart from emails and web push notifications, there are other ways to announce an event such as: social media posts, blog write ups, youtube videos, website content, paid advertisement or product sections, organizing contests, trade shows and events, guest posts or even press releases. Using any or all methods mentioned should gain enough publicity for the event. Greater the exposure, bigger the number of participants!


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