How do you plan a successful Virtual Conference?

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Virtual conferences are all around us, to provide people from different walks of life and backgrounds to participate in discussions and events remotely. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a new portal for conferences evolved from its nascency to maturity. Many organisations, institutes, businesses, and individuals host virtual conferences but to plan a successful virtual conference requires specific steps to be followed. Below mentioned are a few important ones:



Before the date of the  virtual conference


  • Start planning the virtual conferences much before their commencement.


  • Choose the type of audience most interested in the virtual conference.


  • Invite experts and specialists (national or international) to captivate the audience’s interest. 


  • Prepare speakers for the virtual conference by asking them to provide presentations, videos, literature, etc. 


  • Provide speakers with compatible and working microphones, speakers, webcam/camera, and other such devices. Ask the speaker to optimise the lighting and noise cancellation to avoid disturbance. 


  • Make sure the speakers, experts target virtual audiences. 


  • Promote the event beforehand. 


During the virtual conference


  • Captivate the audience by providing interesting facts, curious questions, and a proper introduction of speakers. 


  • Keep the session interactive by putting spontaneous feedback, quizzes, questionnaires. 


  • Allow the audience to question, comment, and suggest in a friendly and non-offensive way. 


  • Livechat, updates on social media to invite new members. 


  • Optimise conference length to keep it interesting. 


Virtual conferences are blooming in every sector, hence use the platform and plan a remarkable virtual conference. 


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