How long can you stream on Periscope?

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In 2015, twitter acquired a live broadcasting and streaming application, periscope. With the click of a few buttons, your experiences are at the disposal of the whole world to witness, as per your terms. While using the application, you have the option of deciding if the session will be posted on your Twitter account, the followers who shall be able to view the video, set the location sharing to on or off, chat with your followers. All these settings default to the most public setting easily toggled at your liking!


Periscope can either be used through Twitter or by downloading the application. One of the notable features of the periscope is that it does not set a time limit to your streams. Additionally, the streams are stored for 24 hours. During this retention period, you have the option of deleting the chats or the replay option. Further, after the conclusion of the streaming session, the video can also be downloaded onto your phone, provided the length of the video does not surpass your storage space. Finally, the users retain the copyright to their video content, however Twitter and its partners hold a non-exclusive license to use the content for a variety of purposes.


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