What is the best solution to combining live presentation and presenting a video during a webinar?

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Digital marketing is a combination of a plethora of strategies. Hosting webinars is among the vital strategies to reach a wider audience and to convert attendees into loyal customers. 


A webinar is not just about one way communication or a powerpoint presentation. An ideal webinar is a perfect mix of live presentations and recorded video or slides.


Given below is a list of tools that will help you ace your webinar game.


List of webinar platforms to combine live presentation and video presentation


Zoom – It is a widely known conferencing tool that can be used to host webinars, business meetings, etc. It allows upto 100 attendees at once and the webinar can be broadcasted to YouTube and Facebook live. 


Demio – One of the advanced webinar tools, Demio has a wide range of features to make your webinar a hit. You can present pre recorded videos, have live conversations, private chats with any of the attendees. Demio has an analytics tool to gauge your webinar’s performance.


WebinarNinja – This platform has all the minute details that are required to host a perfect webinar. You can run free or paid webinars, enjoy app integrations, measure analytics, have multiple presenters, etc. using WebinarNinja.


In essence


The market is full of webinar hosting platforms. You need to analyse your needs and choose the best option available for you and your business.


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