I can’t attend the live webinar date. Will the webinar be repeated? Is there any way to watch it later?

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If due to any of the reasons you can’t attend the webinars. There are many ways in which it can be viewed again. Webinar cannot be repeated but there is a way to re-watch them. If you have already registered for the webinar, you are provided with various tools. The recorded versions are available as soon as the live webinar finishes. You can get the recording at the location similar to that of registration. For example, webinars on Youtube can be viewed multiple times. Earlier these recorded webinars were termed as Simulated Live Webinars. By the help of the recordings, webinars along with the interaction are available to the viewers for a longer time duration. A time can be scheduled and the recording can be sent directly to the registrants via email in the form of Google drive. If the webinar is held on Zoom, then there is an option to record it. This recording is saved in the cloud. Since, you have already registered for the same, you can get the link of cloud recording to re-watch. It is possible that the organizers might price these webinars to provide the recordings of the seminar multiple times.


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