How to price your virtual summit?

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Hosting a virtual summit which is not that difficult. But pricing can be tricky. 


You must bear in mind some of the points which will help you in pricing the virtual summit correctly. Let’s have a look – 


  • Registration – One of the very first steps. Make sure that you keep an upper tap on the prices. Otherwise, things might easily go out of budget. 


  • Communication – Free as well as paid communication channels. It’s up to you as to which one you choose. 


  • Mode of delivery – The maximum budget of a webinar goes into this. The mode of delivery must be chosen with utmost care so that the audience and the message of the webinar are correctly delivered. 


  • Webinar Marketing – Another important aspect here is marketing. The promotion of your webinar is really important to reach the correct set audience and to hold their attention. 


  • Follow-Ups – And last but not the least is follow up. Sending repetitive e-mails and using polls, surveys or any other ways to keep their interest up might also cost you money.


  • Engagement – It is always important to keep your audience engaged. and this might involve some money here. So, keep this in mind while pricing your webinar. 


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