How much do I pay for the teleconference?

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To do webinar with zoom, teleconferencing is one of the most important mediums. But many of you might be worried about the additional cost of teleconferencing. You would be surprised to know that teleconferencing does not involve any hidden charges. It’s free of cost. 


But the main catch is that many service providers don’t allow teleconferencing. Thus, you must double-check before finalizing on teleconferencing as the only medium of the webinar presentation. 


In case you are living in India, then this is the normal rule of teleconferencing. But the same changes with the national boundary. Overseas teleconferencing involves charges. And mind it these charges are not nominal. In other countries, teleconferencing charges are huge. With this, the overall webinar cost becomes quite large. And thus most webinar marketers resort to zoom or any other mode of presentation which offers it free of cost   


So, make sure that you check the medium and it’s charges thoroughly before zeroing the same for your webinar presentation. In case you are not sure about the charges then give multiple options to your audience. Other webinar mediums like zoom, Hubspot, Facebook are some of the most common ways to stay connected during a webinar. Otherwise many of them might switch to pull back themselves because of the high charges. 


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