How do I host an online panel discussion?

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Various webinars and conferences are being organised online, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The beauty of attending online panel discussions is that they offer informative and educational content without the effort of going out. But, it is equally likely that the audience loses interest in more than half of these panels.


So if someone is planning to host an online panel discussion, below are a few key steps to follow:


  • Extensive background study on the topic: Before starting any discussion in-person or online, the primary thing to do is conduct a background study on the topic of the panel.


  • Decide the size of the panel: Depending on the subject and the depth of discussions required, determine the average size of the panel.


  • Choose the panel members: Online panel discussions allow international experts and speakers to participate; select the panel members holding relevant experience in the field of discussion.


  • Finalise a captivating moderator: The moderator holds the interest of the audience through their introductions, questions, and audience-panel interaction.


  • Promote the panel for the target audience: Decide the segment of the public that is being targeted for the panel discussion and promote the panel through social media, emails, and texts.


  • Set the length of the panel: Short panels don’t yield much information whereas long panel discussions often become boring. Optimise the length of the panel discussion accordingly.


  • Reminders to the audience, panellists, and moderator: Keep the enthusiasm in the members involved in the panel discussion via reminders.


  • Address the audience’s questions, and comments: The audience is the assets of panels hence, address their questions, comments, and suggestions whenever possible. 

By following the above steps, a valuable online panel discussion can be conducted. 


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