How do you measure the success of an event?

Event success metrics

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Do you want to make your webinars a successful event? Want to make every webinar you host more successful than before? The first task for a successful event is setting up a goal, such as attendees’ satisfaction, the purpose of the event, knowing the KPIs, etc.


How to Measure Success of an Event?


Use the tips below to measure event success and plan for a more successful event for next time:


Social Media Activity


Using social media is a prime strategy to make a webinar successful. It will help you for event measurement in terms of audience growth with many likes, hashtags, views, and more.




The high number of attendees does not matter much until you get the sale from them. Use event success metrics to track your attendee time and check the success of your webinar.


Event Surveys


To know the interest of the audience, you should take surveys to support the event, in which you can ask questions like:


  • Are you less or more likely to attend the next webinar?
  • Are you less or more likely to purchase the product?
  • Would you recommend our services to your friends and relatives?


Media Coverage

Media coverage of the webinar builds the faith and trust of your company. Media coverage also helps in raising brand awareness and can increase webinar attendees.


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