What Is A Good Landing Page Conversion Rate?

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If you have a website for your business, your key motive is to check the conversion rate. Conversion is one of the key elements for page search strategy. If you are not able to convert your visitors into buyers at a high rate, the purpose of advertising and developing a website will go in vain. 


The concept of conversion rate optimization helps to maximize every cent spent on your business, especially on the digital part. The purpose of having a strategy involved in high conversion rate should be the specific sweet-spot, converting all the visitors and prospects to take action for your business. 


Precisely 3% to 5% or even 10% conversion rates are achievable. However, the good conversion rate definition is still vague. As per industrial standards, the average conversion rate is expected to be 2.5% to 3%. Most successful businesses are able to have a conversion rate of 5.30 % or even higher.


If you have the motive to be into the top 10 businesses having the largest conversion rates, you should ideally target the rate above 10%. There exists a common trait of landing pages able to convert prospects into action. Check out some of the common strategies and planning tips to help you optimize your conversion rates. 


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