How Do You Facilitate A Webinar?

Webinar facilitation

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A webinar is a virtual seminar or meeting that is held online for discussing a specific subject or topic. However, it is important to make this meeting interesting for all participants, to keep them engaged till the end. Generally, a webinar lasts for 1 hour, during which all points of the given topic should be discussed.


One can make use of webinar software that can provide a perfect platform for speaking to audiences all over the world. This kind of software can be used by any professional and help in conducting webinars for business or educational purposes. 


  • Webinarjam Jam – It is developed in the USA and is known for its compatibility with all devices. Since it is integrated with YouTube, anyone can avail of this software for starting a virtual meeting.


  • GoToWebinar – This software enables having live video conferences with a large number of people worldwide. It offers several features, like sending notifications, live chat, multiple hosts, and social media promotion of the online event.


  • Zoom – This software also helps in conducting an audio webinar, apart from holding online video conferences. Thus, it is widely used for training sessions of English attendees where they can ask all their questions freely. Different other features are provided to support webinars in all operating systems. 


Such software can also teach a person how to participate in a webinar so that it is easy for taking part in the required audio or video conferences.There are many such tools available for webinar facilitation the webinars and above are some examples of the same.


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