Here is how you can do a Facebook Webinar

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Webinars are a beneficial way to establish a connection between the participants and the organizer. There are a plethora of topics that one can choose from. Lately, Live streaming on Facebook has been on the rise. Facebook’s new exciting live feature calls forth the youth’s interest and engagement with the webinar. 


There are also several advantages to conducting a Facebook webinar.


  • Potential for a viral reach


  • No restriction on the number 


  • Easier exchange of feedback and communication


  • Make it interesting by uploading videos, etc


A simple process can help you set up a Facebook webinar.


  • Create/login to the live streaming platform as you will need a supporting platform to host a live on Facebook.


  • Login to the profile page of the Facebook account.


  • Click Live on the Facebook Home Page.


  • Give permissions to the prompted mandates.


  • Copy the server URL and Stream Key from the connect tab.


  • In the Zoom webinar page, paste the Stream Key.


  • Click GO LIVE.


  • Go back to Facebook connect page and click  GO LIVE.


You are now all set to present an interesting webinar to your vast target group that could potentially go viral. 


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