Do webinars Cost Money?

Webinar Fee

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Webinars can be both paid and free. It seriously varies and depends on a number of factors. Mostly free webinars are used for lead generations.


Paid webinars are seriously high in terms of value. But the majority part of their cost is because of the speakers. The speakers charge a greater amount and thus the webinar makers charge money from the audience. You can also get a certificate post successful completion of a webinar. And these webinars also charge money.


Generally, a free webinar is mostly for promotion. And thus you will witness most of the start ups hosting a free webinar. But a free webinar is also ignored by the subject matter experts most of the time and thus you must do proper promotion of a free webinar to attract the correct set of audience.


Free webinars are also used at the time of launching a new product. Thus, whenever a new product is launched or even during the product demo session free webinars are highly recommended.

You can choose which webinar presentation you want to attend as per the details furnished by you. And then check on the money provided. Then you can decide which webinar you want to go for – free or paid webinar.


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