How is a webinar conducted?

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A webinar is an interactive session where attendees and speaker/s deliver key inputs through certain online tools such as answering polls or submitting questions in real time to engage in the overall betterment. A webinar may be conducted for a number of reasons; in simpler terms, a webinar is a seminar taking place online.


Webinars are conducted through softwares that helps connect the attendees and speaker/s in real time using softwares suitable for the same. Although the choice of this software may vary from an organiser to another organiser, conceptually, a webinar software requires basic communication tools such as audio, video and various media players. Click here to know more about the softwares used for webinars.


A webinar features questions asked by the attendees and keynote addresses by the speaker/s amongst other beneficial information for a participant. To participate, an attendee is supposed to login to the software using the given credentials after agreeing to the terms and contract. If given a chance, an attendee may also ask a question to the speaker/s. Webinars make use of all resources to support the topic being addressed. In many cases a webinar may also be made free of cost for the participants. Click here to know more.


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