How do you create an effective panel discussion ?

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Panel discussion holds an epitope of importance in any online conference agenda.  Any panel discussion has a couple to a dozen or more influential speakers with the highest experience coming forward to discuss their perspective towards a topic. When organised with diligence the panel discussion provides a plethora of information. Nevertheless, there are a few things that need to be followed to prevent a panel from derailing. Below mentioned points can help you create an effective panel discussion. 


  • Invite the prominent experts of the field to be panellists. 


  • Choose a moderator who can captivate the panellists and audiences alike. 


  • Correspond with the panellists and moderator to track their progress as well as to inform them of the panel updates. 


  • Make sure the moderator is well versed with the background information of the panellists. Moderators must be good at starting, continuing, and finishing a discussion without any hassle. 


  • Create a set of questions that can retrieve maximum panel contribution such that, even if the panel derails from the course, it still remains interesting and informative. 


  • Make sure the panellists are aware of the direction of the discussion. 


  • Engage audience interactions and ensure a dialogue exists between the panel and audience. 


Have an impelling panel discussion! 


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