What does a conversion rate show in a webinar?

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Conversion path is a process in which anonymous website visitors become known leads. If out of 100 visitors, 5 were the attendees then the conversion rate is 5%. Usually in the webinars, 19% is a good conversion rate. Usually the landing page is able to convert the visitors but sometimes they don’t show up at the end. Hence, conversion rate acts as a quantitative metric to evaluate the success of the webinar.


What does a conversion rate show in a webinar?


Webinars are one of the effective marketing tools to get the leads. If the webinar has a high conversion rate, it is an indicative that the marketers have been successful to attract a large number of customers. Along with this it indicates that most of the registrants were converted into attendees.


If the webinar is interactive and knowledgeable to the attendees, it will further on increase the conversion rate. Facebook ads help in increasing the conversion rates of the webinars, hence acting as a tool of awareness and interest. If the organisers can convey the requisites message with good body language, confidence, attention to the attendees, and good interaction, webinars can become a good success. If the conversion rate is high, it also shows that the audience wasn’t bored, indicative of the less duration of the webinar. Thus, conversion rate acts as an effective measure to check upon the errors, making it up and preparing well for the next webinar.


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