Practical Webinar Email Sequence for best webinar outcome

Webinar Email Sequence

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Email marketing has been considered one of the most potent tools of all. Its use has seen a decline, yet has never been out of trend. If you wish to conduct successful webinars, mastering the strategy of emailing your target audience is all-important. 

Only two factors will decide the performance of your webinar, and those are


  • The engaging subject of your webinar
  • The emails sent to your contacts


Now without thinking much, let’s jump into the webinar email sequence


1. The invitation mail – Yes, you guessed it right. Of course, the first email to be sent out is the invitation. Here are some pointers for you to follow when sending an invitation email. Let’s check them out


  • Draft an interesting subject line.
  • Change the sender name and signature to the company name and team or vice versa.
  • Experiment with the template. Don’t stick to the usual text format; make it HTML.


Also, remember to send multiple invites as follows – 


  • Email an announcement around 2-3 weeks in advance.
  • Shoot a reminder a week before the webinar date.
  • Blow the horn one last time with a “last chance” email.


2. The confirmation email – By this time, people are ready to sign up for your webinar, so you just need to vouch for its usefulness. 


  • State clearly that the audience is supposed to formally register for the webinar.
  • Mention the date and time for the webcast.
  • Ask them to mark the date on their calendar. 


3. Reminder emails – Now it’s time to send the last few reminders to your registered attendees.


  • One mail, a week before the webinar.
  • Another one, a day before the webinar.
  • Last one, an hour before the webinar.


4. The follow-up mailers – Take a deep breath, your webinar is over, and now it’s time to follow up. You can pick from these interesting options to suit your needs. 


  • Get creative with the subject line and add a giveaway.
  • Place a personal image and build a good rapport.
  • Invite replies from the attendees.


5. Email to participants who registered but couldn’t attend. Add the recorded slides to show appreciation for your contacts. That way, they will remember to attend the next webinar.


We are sure this sequence will work wonders in planning and promoting your webinar.


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