Top Webinar Tricks every webinar presenter should know

Webinar Tips

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Hosting webinars is not an easy task. And if you have no experience hosting webinars, it would be prudent to go over the following tips that will enable you to host significantly better webinars. These tips are in the form of sequential steps from planning to execution.


  1. Define your audience
  2. Look for a popular/interesting topic
  3. Choose an unmissable title
  4. Decide the webinar format
  5. Choose a weekday (Tuesday to Thursday work best)
  6. Choose a time (late mornings work best)
  7. Choose a peaceful location to host
  8. Purchase or rent A/V equipment
  9. Do a dry run on the same software
  10. Decide on a webinar structure
  11. Choose a presentation software
  12. Create an eye-popping presentation
  13. Think about what you might be asked and prepare answers
  14. Find out where your audience hangs out
  15. Promote your webinar till it starts
  16. Use email promotions judiciously
  17. Draft a professional invite email
  18. Use 3-4 templates for your email
  19. Have an appropriate email sender name
  20. Have an appropriate email subject, so the email isn’t ignored
  21. Resend invites if they aren’t opened
  22. Include a calendar link
  23. Indulge in comarketing
  24. Include video teasers
  25. Have a good-looking landing page
  26. Use Modal for forms
  27. Focus on each invite detail separately
  28. For paid promotions, go for Facebook
  29. If possible, have two different time slots for the webinar
  30. Send 3-4 reminder emails
  31. Send text message reminders
  32. In the webinar, speak as best you can
  33. Be hydrated, but not with coffee or soft drinks
  34. Stand while speaking
  35. Have a green screen
  36. Reduce external distractions
  37. Have a backup for power outages
  38. Exude confidence when you speak
  39. Don’t be late for your webinar
  40. Interact with early joiners
  41. Keep the camera on
  42. Have mind-blowing introductions for your guest speakers
  43. Be interactive by including polls
  44. Don’t be too promotional, complex, wordy, or unactionable
  45. Have a trained voice
  46. Included quizzes in your webinar
  47. Never have a webinar shorter than promised
  48. To convert leads, include a call to action
  49. Provide a recap at the end
  50. Have an exit survey before everyone leaves
  51. Record the entire webinar
  52. Send a follow-up email
  53. Arrange for CRM integration
  54. Stay in touch with your guests through regular emails
  55. Analyze the data generated to assess your success


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