Webinars that convert your customer contacts into clients

webinars that convert

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Webinars that Convert

In the last few months, you may have registered for quite a few webinars, right? Even if you did not, you might have definitely come across several webinars being organized on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or been bombarded with emails to register for various webinars.

Even if you registered for a webinar, the chances are that you did not attend all of them. And even if you managed to watch a replay of the webinar, it is quite likely that you did not end up buying the products or services promoted in the webinar. 

While webinars ensure that people from anywhere in the world can log into a presentation as long as they have an internet connection, webinars’ conversion rates are not very impressive. Most people only get a conversion rate ranging from 5% – 15% on webinar registrations. From there, they may only receive a 35% – 45% signee to attendee conversion rate.

Benefits of Conducting Webinars

1. Improves brand authority:

Since webinars usually last longer than an hour, they allow for in-depth discussions on specific topics, which will increase brand authority and build trust around your product or service. This will, in turn, convert to a higher number of leads.

2. Helps to engage the audience more effectively:

Since industry experts and well-known personalities often host webinars, their presence engages and motivates the audience, as it gives them the chance to relate to people in real-time. People can also ask them questions during the live stream, helping them clear their doubts or any questions that they may have regarding their careers or the products and services being discussed.

3. Allows learning about the target audience:

While hosting a webinar, one can easily learn about the audience’s perception of their products or services via the live Q&A sessions and questions asked during the webinar, such as audience polls, yes or no questions, and consumer surveys.

4. Helps build an email list:

By requesting your audience to fill out their details during registration, you can build your own customer email list. With this list, you will have an understanding of what kind of people are interested in your brand, and using that, you can send them emails, offers about your products and services, as well as any webinars you may host in the future.

Generate Leads from Webinars

1. Choose an industry-relevant subject:

By picking a topic relevant to the industry you are working in, you will be perceived as knowledgeable about your work. Still, you will also build greater trust among people about your brand, which will eventually generate a larger number of leads.

2. Consider getting an industry expert to host your webinar:

To make your webinar even more engaging, try to get an industry expert or a corporate leader who is well-known in their field and has sufficient experience. This way, attendees are getting the knowledge and advice they want along with a trustworthy endorsement of your product or service.

3. Make your webinar interactive:

One of the major reasons people do not attend webinars or leave them midway is the lack of interaction. If only the hosts and moderators speak during a webinar, it will make the webinar dull and boring. Hence, hosts should try and make the webinar as interactive as possible. Some of the ways interaction can be increased by asking questions during a webinar and discussing the sessions’ answers. The questions can be in the form of multiple-choice questions, subjective questions, polls, surveys, and a Q & A session at the end of the webinar.

Five Easy Ways to Convert your Webinar into Leads

1. Send post-webinar feedback:

You may already have an emailing list once people have registered for your webinar. Once the webinar is over, you can send them a post-webinar survey form to ask whether the content resonated with them or not. The survey can also consist of questions about how webinars can be made more engaging, whether the attendee would be interested in purchasing your products or services, and any questions that may not have been answered during the webinar.

2. Follow-up within 24 hours:

Irrespective of whether a signee attended your webinar or not, ensure that you send out a follow-up email within 24 hours once your webinar is over. The follow-up email can include presentation slides or a video link to the webinar, as well as a blog post summarizing the key points discussed. This step will improve your trust among people, as it would convey that you care about your clients, in turn, building relationships.

3. Create a landing page:  

Try to make it as easy as possible for your prospects to register for your webinar. Create a landing page for your webinar that prospects can easily find on your website and ensure that the content targets your clients’ challenges and needs.

4. Advertise online:

Online advertising is one of the most effective tools to identify and target potentially high-quality leads. However, to do so, you need to identify who your webinar’s target audience is precise.

5. Creating email marketing automation:

Emailing your prospects once they have signed up for your webinars is a great way to establish strong relationships, as prospective clients will perceive it to matter to you and your brand. Even after a webinar, you can send emails regarding promotional offers, discounts and subscribe to your newsletters and blogs.

By now, you must have a fair idea of what webinars are, their advantages, and how to host a webinar that helps convert webinar attendees to customers. Now, go ahead and host your own webinar, and make sure you follow all the steps to make it successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

While there are several ways to establish your content marketing strategy, your main goal should be to create content that is as engaging and interactive as possible. Only then can you expect a high conversion of webinar leads. Moreover, follow-up with your prospects through emails and identify your target market through surveys, polls, and online research.

A webinar funnel is a tool that helps in maximising the number of leads and sales by automatically converting visitors into leads and leads into potential buyers.

To create a sales webinar, be clear and concise on your goals, choose a relevant topic, hire well-known industry experts, be confident about your brand, get as many sign-ups as you can, and follow-up with your attendees regularly.


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