The Crucial Webinar Cheat Sheet: The ultimate cheat sheet for launching the ROI driven webinar

Webinar Cheat Sheet

Table of Contents

One of the most prominent and flourishing marketing and communication tools today in the world are webinars. They help to engage the audience, generate leads, and expand your business. Well, for those who are completely new and unaware, webinars can rather be intimidating. Tons of questions tend to crop up in the heads of the people. Some of the common queries appearing can be: How to plan the webinar? What should be the content? How to promote it? Well, these are some of the factors to be taken quite seriously to make the best outcome of a webinar. This blog provides some handy tips and tricks on creating and promoting a perfect and successful webinar, in the form of a Webinar Cheat Sheet.

Crucial Webinar Cheat Sheet

Mastering the Webinar – The Crucial Webinar Cheat Sheet


Here is the Crucial Webinar Cheat Sheet to guide you step-by-step for launching a perfect webinar. We’ll divide the overall process into three major steps or actions.


  1. Planning and preparation for the webinar.
  2. Promotion of the webinar.
  3. Getting ready for the actual webinar.

1. Planning and preparation for the webinar


  • The initial step to be taken towards the planning and preparation is creating a virtual presentation, which involves blueprint, layout, and the entire flow to be taken by the webinar.


  • The second focus should be on the content to be delivered in the presentation, which should be short, concise, and to-the-point.


  • Every graphic and content should be shown in different slides with a sliding movement every 20-40 seconds to keep the audience alluring and implicated.


  • Try keeping audio content more than on-screen text content, as audio appears appealing to the audience regarding the presentation’s content and ideas.


  • Provide some interactive tools as well, such as Q&A sessions and polls to involve audience participation.


2. Promotion of the webinar


  • Firstly, allow yourself enough time and space to effectively promote your webinar for like 4-5 weeks.


  • Send out invites, reminders, and follow-up emails to your contacts and other audience.


  • Try using every free means or channel apart from emails to get through with the promotion process.


  • Do add tracking links and referrer tags to all the channels to analyze which means is getting more traction.


3. Getting ready for the actual webinar


  • Accustom yourself to the platform and technology you are using to deliver the webinar. Developing subject matter and content and sending out invites without knowing anything about the webinar tools and tech will create a bad impact in front of the attendees.


  • Do log in to the webinar and do a test run of everything beforehand, before the actual event.


  • Do reserve a quiet and peaceful webinar-ready space with minimal background noise and interruptions.


Well, this is not it! The real value can be seen and experienced during the webinar. Not only that; you have certain roles and responsibilities even after closing the webinar. So let’s know more about it.


  • Provide your attendees with the webinar hashtag and social media links so that they can ask questions and participate with enthusiasm.


  • Have a note of instructions ready in hand for the attendees to go through, as they may be new to this. Let them know that you are open to answer any queries or doubts regarding the webinar setup or anything.


  • Do record your webinars mandatorily. This will help the audience to access the information even if they could not attend the webinar.


  • Start with a story and your personal experiences, instead of immediately stepping on to the content.


  • Keep smiling and maintain a conversational tone with gestures.


  • Quote some humor and interesting facts or examples to support your content.


At the end or after the webinar, offer the audience some parting or take-away gift or souvenir, for example, creating a blog that will include all the important ideas and concepts from the webinar.


Also, ask them to sign up for your mailing list so they could receive notifications for the upcoming online events.


Most importantly, do listen to the recording after the webinar. You can analyze and take note of the strength and weaknesses points of the webinar.


Summing up


We have three major and basic steps to ensuring a perfectly enthusiastic and successful webinar. But, all of the steps constitute some perfect tips and tricks to deliver a healthy webinar.


Summing up the benefits of a webinar.


  • Webinars are cost-efficient and time-saving as they are conducted virtually, thereby saving the costs of hotels, the seminar rooms, and the arrangement.


  • You can connect and keep in touch with your potential and existing clients.


  • The registration and automation process for the webinar is simple and completely digital.


  • There is no such thing as limited spots in terms of the webinar. N number of people can attend a webinar simultaneously, provided there is a minimal technical glitch.


  • The content, knowledge, and information can be shared and exchanged easily in notes or PDF files for future reference.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few tips and tricks to raising the number of attendees or the audience in a webinar:


  • Keep a separate session for Q&A as a real-time one on one interaction with the audience. You can address them with their names to have whilst answering their questions.
  • Organize polls to keep the audience engaged, as polls have become quite common in webinars now. You can do live polling as per the interests of the audience to promote on-demand webinars as well.
  • Provide breaks in between to relax or play songs and make the people do some exercises so that they could stay active for a longer period.


Webinar attendance


Well, you are done with the webinar planning. Now, how do you reach out to people to appreciate your hard work and efforts? I have some webinar promotion tips for you, right here!


  • Post your webinar landing page on various social media websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • You can post your webinar to the several webinar listing sites available.
  • Record a teaser video for 1-2 minutes telling in brief about the webinar, and you can upload it on YouTube or other social media websites.
  • A super easy tip is to add the webinar landing page beside your email signature.


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