Evolution of Growth Marketing in B2B companies

Growth Marketing

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Try and picture the scene of a webinar.


Can you remember how you felt?


Did you have thoughts like ‘why am I here’, ‘what a waste of time this is’, ‘how is this going to help me’ or did you just doze off!


And if you were on the other end, presenting one, were you thinking ‘what a total waste of time’, ‘none of them are here to buy’ and allowed your mind to wander to your next weekend getaway.


Relatable? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.


This is usually how a webinar goes. 


But there is a silver lining. There always is one!


All you need is a few creative and smart tactics to create highly relatable value for your prospects and go from dull to dynamic. Many companies like Company X have successfully done it by thoughtfully orchestrating webinar strategies to build up sales. 


With most marketing events likely to be virtual for the coming times, webinars continue to reign the marketing landscape as one of the top revenue drivers. 


Let’s take a look at some winning statistics.


95% of the marketers view webinars as an integral part of their strategy with B2B companies hosting the maximum, accounting for 61%.


But in such a jam-packed environment, to stand apart from the crowd, one needs a marketing strategy that is creative, compelling, and competent. A committed strategy that not only drives leads but also promotes virality or word-of-mouth and stable growth.


This powerful way of getting a strong customer base and consistent growth goes by the name of growth marketing.


Why do you need growth marketing?


All marketers wish that they could just set their plan and budget and then execute things as planned. If only life was this fair!!


Life tends to throw a curveball from time to time: priorities change, campaigns fail, budgets vary, the unexpected COVID-19 happens.


So, the bigger question is: 


Is your marketing strategy as solid as you think?


Is it good enough to withstand the adversities, readjust your plans and facilitate reliable growth?


Meet Growth Marketing!!! 


Not your newest buzzword, but a touchstone you can’t afford to ignore.


Growth marketing goes beyond the quick fixes and budgetary band-aids to find higher-quality users and keep them! It entails discarding the bad ideas swiftly and scaling the good ones just as swiftly. It rebuilds the traditional marketing model by adding layers like A/B testing, data-driven email marketing, value-added blog posts, creative ad copy, SEO optimization, detailed technical analysis of user’s experience to gain robust and reliable growth. Instead of just directing to the top of the funnel tactics, growth marketing uses lifespan strategies to nurture quality leads into lifetime customers.


What makes Growth Marketing unique?


We all will agree, constant real growth doesn’t just ensue. Having a great product or service is, of course, a good beginning. But without a solid marketing plan, you may find yourself stuck spinning the marketing wheel, waiting to hit the next big sale or promotion to increase profits. 


Employing quick growth hacks may boost traffic to the top of a sales funnel, promote the company’s awareness and customer acquisition for a while. But what after that? What happens when after a point, the value starts to dwindle?


Growth marketing, when done right, focuses on the comprehensive marketing funnel. It helps to add value and optimize the entire marketing funnel by drawing customers, engaging them and then retaining them, and lastly by converting them into loyal customers.


Is Growth Marketing and Growth Hacking the same?


Often used interchangeably, both the terms certainly differ. 


You must have heard someone applauding a certain marketing ploy that promoted their business tremendously. Chances are they were talking about a growth hack. While a growth hack can dramatically boost a business, success also depends on various tactical tools of the comprehensive marketing strategy.


You can think of a growth hack as a day’s trading in the stock market. You may make money instantly, but it doesn’t guarantee a stable money gain in the long run.


Growth marketing, on the other hand, is a longer-term strategy focused on higher retention rates. It is a holistic approach based on considerable testing and data-driven metrics. It doesn’t count on just one tactic but scales different growth metrics across multiple dimensions to build the business sustainably.


Growth Marketing Goals


Goal: Drive traffic to the business


Goal: Increase conversion rates


Goal: Retain customers


Goal: Build brand value


The growth marketing philosophy is shaped by iterative learning – step-by-step optimization and gradual intensification of acquisition, retention, and lifetime value of loyal customers. Its practices encompass research, execution, analysis, and modification. This dedicated process lets growth marketers determine which strategies work and, more importantly, which don’t. You may fail, but it is vital to improving steadily to gain sustainable growth.


Are you wondering what it takes to become a successful growth marketer?


Growth marketing is a skill that can’t be acquired overnight. Perhaps the most vital aspect of a successful growth marketer is the inclination to experiment. Even simple experiments for improvement can contribute to huge gains. You may be surprised to know that even slight changes to seemingly random marketing elements like background color, font size, button corner radius can positively impact conversions.

Successful growth marketers are known to dive deep into relevant data to identify workable and not-so-workable strategies employing all possible tools. They are keen to think creatively and never say, “this has not been done before. Let’s not try it now”. If this were the viewpoint, Airbnb would never have thought of introducing free professional photography services to further increase their popularity after already tasting success. Some would have termed it as totally unnecessary or even crazy! But it proved to be a brilliant step to drive their growth.

The best growth marketers are focused on the product. They put a spotlight on a product or service, confident of the fact that if people know it well, they would love to want it.  

Growth marketers understand the importance of making the sales team an ally in the process. They gather diverse people and enlist their help to brainstorm new ideas, kindle creativity, explore innovative angles, refresh topics, or even just fuel off of one another’s energy.


Have you thought about growth marketing to drive more leads and get the business results you desire?


Do you want to learn the growth marketing methods to ensure success?

Are you ready to master the growth marketing process?


Do you know what may be the best thing besides creating a solid growth strategy?


Conducting a webinar to share top tips and valuable growth marketing lessons that every business should apply to attain a bigger audience and steady growth.


COVID-19 has thrown us a curveball. It may be the best time to convert the challenging situation into a valuable opportunity to revamp your marketing. You can take this opportunity to get smarter by learning about growth marketing to elevate your marketing game plan. Not only will it help you develop your own suitable growth strategy to fill your sales funnel, but also guarantee long-lasting dividends.


It is an event you definitely don’t want to miss. So, mark the date in your calendar and click here to book your spot.


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