Online Workshops

Get up to 10x results out of your webinars

Everyone is hosting webinars nowadays

There are so many online tools and platforms available to host webinars. What should one consider when planning for a webinar and what are the do’s and don’ts?

Find answers to all your webinar related queries with Bruhatee. Join our webinar whizz for an exclusive online workshop on B2B webinar hosting and get a sneak peek of our offerings. Learn tips and tricks to host perfect webinars. Explore a variety of webinar tools and up-to-date applied techniques. Analyse your existing program and fix the gaps.

Register for an exclusive Bruhatee’s ‘Online webinar hosting workshop’ now!

What can you expect from Bruhatee’s ‘Online
webinar hosting

In this 5 hours of ‘Online webinar hosting workshop’ spread over 2 days, we will cover a variety of sessions on hosting a successful webinar.

Recorded videos

Access to pre-recorded and downloadable videos to be referred at your convenience.

Live Sessions

Our webinar whizz will host a live session and share tips & tricks on webinar hosting.

AMA Sessions

Have your queries answered by our webinar whizz in AMA – Ask Me Anything session.

Guest Session

Share insight with industry experts in the guest session.

Limited Seats

Who should attend Bruhatee’s ‘Online webinar hosting workshop’?

Bruhatee specialises in B2B webinar management and consultation. We provide our online event hosting, webcast and on-demand webinar services to

Limited Seats

Who should participate in Bruhatee’s ‘Online webinar hosting workshop’?

Create your own webinar calendar from scratch and host your webinars successfully.