Webinar Management Glossary

Bruhatee’s webinar management glossary provides definitions for all the common terms that marketing professionals should know for the efficient execution of webinars. These are simple terminologies that everyone in marketing needs to understand. A central repository of webinar terminologies for you to refer to anytime at your convenience


A pre-designated access type to the webinar, which is unique and helps your attendees join the webinar. You set it during event scheduling.

A particular way in which your attendees gain entry into thewebinar. There are 4 Access Types: 1. Password Protected 2. Paid 3. Token Access 4. Paid Access

An allocated space within the webinar platform. There are two types of Webinar Accounts. 1. Free Trial 2. Paid The paid account can range from medium-sized webinars up to enterprise accounts with personalized features.

A top-grade webinar service allocated to supporting enterprise clients. It has dedicated specialists that serve clients with customized solutions, configuring and personalizing webinar accounts, and fixing technical issues.

A web panel designed to monitor webinar activities that scale from scheduling and running webinars to upgrading your webinar solution to a professional level

An impulsive, unplanned webinar event. It is the right choice when one wants to start a webinar instantly

The additional premium webinar features to advance your webinar account. It can include multi-user management, more extensive file storage, extra attendees or presenters, additional video-streams, parallel events, recording archive, and many more

A contact repository in your webinar account panel that helps organize the contacts and assist you keep in touch with them. You can add, import, edit, delete, organize them into targeted groups, export them to external CRM and finally invite them to the event and follow-up after the event

B2B solution designed for business by a webinar platform. Business clients can use a webinar platform under their company’s label. It not only enables custom branding of a webinar room but also allows the company to host webinars under its URL and remain independent as far as web infrastructure is concerned

A webinar timetable that the attendees see in the event waiting room

A framework management tool for a webinar account. You can set advanced settings in the account panel of the webinar account. Advanced settings include a pre-defined “thank you” page, default reminders, event publishing, recording auto-start, and many more

An exclusive pact between an affiliate marketer and a webinar platform. Affiliate program defines rules, commission rates, and payment procedures when the affiliate marketer refers to webinar software of a company in his/her website

API is a software resource that enables clients to integrate online meeting functionality with their technical environment. Clients can incorporate the API platform of the webinar company with CRM, CMS systems, and in-house applications

Set of tools which are accessible in the account panel of a webinar account to customize the appearance of a webinar room, webinar profile page, e-mail template, logo, and layouts

A premium add-on for your webinar activity. It enables to store the recorded webinar and retrieve them when required.

A Webinar Content that is offered for free to the members of the organization while charging fee to those who are not part of the organization

Additional collection of media linked to a live webinar. The most common attachments in a webinar include links to your company website or product, guides and case studies. Attendees can explore more about the subjects they are interested in through attachments

One among the audience who signs up to join your webinar

The ratio of number of attendees to the number of registrants in a webinar

Details about individual participants that attended your webinar which helps in analyzing the source, polling and survey pattern of the attendees

(Difference of the Attendee end time and the attendee start time to the longest attendee length) times 100

A repository in your webinar account panel which stores the list of attendees that signed up for your webinar. It includes the contact information and basic demographic data of an attendee

Percentage of the time duration the webinar viewer was the primary window on the screen of a webinar attendee

A webinar session with guest speaker or expert where the attendees are open to ask questions. These sessions help audience to connect with speaker more on a personal level

Metrics that defines the area of the presentation of the webinar. It also demonstrates the width*height of a screen or an image

A webinar mobile application that eases the delivery of online meeting functionalities, allowing the attendees, hosts, and presenters to use webinars anywhere and anytime. Webinar apps are accessible in application stores or a webinar platform website

A platform where the audience is open to interact with the speaker during the webinar

Metrics that estimates how well the webinar kept the crowd intrigued by the business

The main event page in the webinar platform. The participants will login to this page to watch your live webinar

The idea of presenting the brand’s personality with its strengths and flaws through webinar to gain a competitive advantage

A pre-recorded webinar type that is scheduled to take place at a specified time. The attendees join the event on a particular date and time scheduled by the host. However, the presenter can communicate with attendees through chat

A two or three dimensional graphic representation of the attendees of a webinar


A vital factor to consider for multimedia broadcasting such as a webinar. A technical term used to measure the maximum data transfer rate of a network or internet connection

Benefits provided on the webinar platform or the webinar content to offer value to the target audience

Represents the payment procedures for using a webinar platform. It includes choosing a form of payment.

One of the vital purposes of webinars used by businesses to create a unique and lasting image in the marketplace.

A particular set of colors used by businesses as an element of brand recognition. Enterprise can include brand color in the webinar room, e-mail template, and webinar profile page using webinar custom branding tools

The transmission of media content to the audience in different locations.

The webinar sales department responsible for creating customized webinar solutions to meet enterprise clients’ unique needs.


The tool that integrates the webinar platform and various calendar applications. It allows attendees to add your webinar event to their default calenders.

Call to action (CTA) is the way of getting your audience to take action. A clear call to action must be included once you’ve delivered value and gained a level of trust at the end of the webinar for the webinar’s success

A channel partner is an organization that sells products and services for a technology manufacturer or vendor. Webinars present an excellent possibility to attract new channel partners.

Webinars that are grouped to provide a CNN or BBC iPlayer style display of webinars.

A discussion handling tool available in the webinar room during a webinar. The discussion can be a one-to-one or private conversation

A chat record from the earlier events available to read and download from the storage in your webinar account panel.

The simultaneous Google translation of the chat conversation in the webinar. The source language is detected, and both original and translated chat is displayed in real-time

The metrics that measure the number of people registered among the number of people who entered the registration page of the webinar

The informal meetings conducted to get to know about an individual, background, or organization’s information. These are the informational meetings that include company culture or job or internship opportunities.

A group of people in the contact list that does not take action towards the business offer and marketing campaigns

The webinar intended to build a strong rapport with the community and increase engagement to improved products, learning, innovation, and company growth.

A tool that automatically pushes the webinar engagement data into another system, which generally is a marketing automation tool or CRM platforms

It defines the validity of a cookie – an essential metric for affiliate marketers. Prospects of affiliates have 120 days (cookie life) to purchase a webinar account.

A webinar associate for performing a webinar event and interacting with the attendees.

It is a qualified lead stored with associated data in the CRM of a webinar platform. A lead turns into contact as soon as it is qualified. A contact needs a little more nurturing to become a client

A blooming marketing strategy to attract a target audience with relevant, valuable, and consistent content. It brings more value to customers, and it’s more people-oriented. A webinar is one of the successful content marketing tools.

Metrics that measure the percentage of visitors to a page or website that has completed a specific goal. i.e., registrants to attendees, landing page visits to registrants, etc

Metrics that measure the percentage of visitors to a page or website that has completed a specific goal. i.e., registrants to attendees, landing page visits to registrants, etc

Continuing Professional Development describes professionals’ learning activities to enhance their abilities and develop skills. Webinar also counts towards CPD.

Customer Relationship Management- The system that helps manage customer data of the webinar

One of the sales tactic used to get customers to buy products related to what is already brought by them

Feature designed to help the businesses rebrand the webinar by adding their logo, own colors, graphics to personalize their webinar platform

A feature designed to help the businesses rebrand the webinar by adding their logo, own colors, graphics, etc. to personalize their webinar platform

Custom mobile applications for various mobile Operating System to manage, host and attend webinars on any device

An individual who decides to purchase product and survice from the business

The interactions the business has with the new customer. It characterizes the company for the rest of the relationship

The process of designing custom webinar packages or integrating webinar software with your IT product for resale under its brand name

A dedicated team of webinar experts available via live chat or e-mail to solve technical problems or assist in setting up your account. It helps in getting you the most out of your webinar account.

The services available to customize the webinar platform to change the look and feel according to business needs and rebranding. These include custom branding, enterprise package size, wholesale buying, webcasting/streaming, and add-ons.

A feature available in the webinar platform to adjust the webinar invitation’s appearance, like adding a logo, changing colors, etc. Professionally customized invitation includes necessary webinar details and a registration button.

A set of rebranding tools used to keep the webinar setup brand-consistent and more effective.


A data processing agreement (DPA) is a written or digital contract between the processor and the controller that states each party’s rights and responsibilities concerning personal data protection. It regulates data processing particularities – such as its scope and purpose – and the relationship between the controller and the processor. General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) requires concluding such contracts if the data controller entrusts personal data processing to another entity. One ends the DPA with the webinar platform once the webinar account is created and may always download the DPA from the account panel.

An online management tool accessible in a webinar account designed to provide a user-friendly interface. It includes a list of scheduled events, statistics, and launching ad hoc webinars, and access to webinar recordings and account settings. The dashboard in a webinar room is a clickable menu with a set of tools to run webinars: from turning on the Presentation to setting up the webinar Live Streaming.

A valuable webinar tool designed to share the content of a presenter’s screen with one or more devices. This feature allows sharing a full webinar screen, screen area, or selected application to demonstrate a new product or an app to the audience.

Managing the webinar by the team on its own such as – developing a registration page, sending confirmation and reminder emails, importing the email addresses into the web rooms, and monitoring live demands from attendees during the event. It is beneficial if the cost is a vital factor in delivering the event.

Document sharing allows many people to read or modify the document stored on the system simultaneously. It is a great way to enhance the webinar experience and make the webinar more engaging to the audience.

A drawing tool is a set of graphical tools such as a pencil, eraser, colors, shapes that help draw on a unique whiteboard available within the webinar platform. It is an excellent tool to help educators explain complex ideas using a graphical representation.

It is the tool that allows the seamless file uploading to the webinar account and sharing it with the audience or import files from the external source into the webinar.

A metric that defines the number of audiences that left the webinar in between the session. “Drop-Offs” can be determined for different time intervals (1 – 5 mins, 5 – 10 mins, 30 mins – 60 mins, etc.). One can track a metric accurately by splitting the session into as many intervals as possible to know at what point of the webinar the attendees lost interest.

Performing a rehearsal of a webinar as a practice before going live


Educational courses conducted online instead of traditional classes.

A web-based seminar or webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop, or discussion conducted over the internet using video conferencing software.

Learning that is conducted via the internet, including webinars. It is the booming inclination in the education industry

A popular way to communicate about the offer or share information with the audience through email. It plays a vital role in webinar business strategy – it involves sending the invitation to webinar events, event reminders, and follow-ups. Email marketing techniques also play an essential role in sharing on-demand webinars.

An email template is a tool used to create webinar invitations. You can select an email template from your webinar account and customize the color scheme to maintain brand consistency.

A device or process that converts video/audio to a digital format for transmission over the Internet.

The interaction of the customer with the content of the webinar

The customization plan available in the webinar platform for the enterprises to choose from depending upon the number of attendees.

A customized business webinar solutions built for enterprises and to fulfill their unique requirements.

One of the tools in the webinar platform to use on a whiteboard available in the webinar room

A webinar that is scheduled at a specific time or created instantly.

The list of past events of the webinar available using an intuitive timeline in your account panel.

A web panel in a webinar platform that helps manage and run webinar events.

It is the feature that allows recording the event to re-use the webinar as an on-demand webinar. The webinar recordings will be available in your webinar account panel after recording.

The activity of deciding a suitable time for the webinar. One can schedule webinars in the account panel as ad-hoc events, permanent events, or time-schedule events.

The tools that enable controlling the event’s flow. One can choose different modes during the event, depending on the needs of the presenter. Few options are: Webinar – where only presenters can speak during a webinar and attendees can only listen. Meeting – The presenter allows open audio discussion with all the participants (up to 25 attendees). Presenters mode – The presenters can communicate in private without being heard by participants.

The webinars whose topics are always relevant and exciting for many attendees. In evergreen webinars, you share the knowledge that is always desired and up-to-date.

the survey conducted post-webinar to measure how well the webinar met the audience’s expectations

In-depth knowledge sharing through webinars. Webinars, as a tool, have all the features to share or sell high-valued insights in a wide range of sectors like science, business & finance, or technology sectors.

One of the common ways to build in-depth relationships with customers or outside vendors through video conferencing regardless of the physical location.

An add-on that can be purchased if more attendees are attending the webinar than the number of attendees entitled to participate in the webinar account plan.

An add-on that can be purchased in the webinar account to increase storage space in the webinar platform. It comes in handy if one conducts many webinars and store the recorded webinars for later use.

An add-on one can buy in the webinar account. If you host a small group meeting and need more than four video streams, you can buy up to three extras.


A Facebook event is a calendar-based resource used to remind users of upcoming events. The host of the event can invite friends, members of a group, or fans of a page.

The process of connecting facebook to the webinar platform. It is a convenient way to share information about your upcoming events automatically.

A code that provides insights into the audience’s actions on webinar pages.

A set of useful webinar tools that helps achieve the webinar business goals before, during, and after the event.

The web panel in the webinar platform to administer the webinar file library, such as presentations, webinar recordings, or chat logs.

A hierarchical storage methodology available in the webinar account panel to organize and store webinar data.

An informal conversation with a guest and the moderator. Its relaxed environment makes it engaging to the audience as it seems they are listening to a close friend sharing deep insights. It is trendy among the startup community.

A network security system that guards a computer or network against unauthorized access.

A webinar feature that allows unpinning the video pod and pinning it in the preferred location for better visibility. Both attendees and hosts can access it.

A focus group discussion involves assembling people from similar qualifications or experiences to discuss a specific subject of interest.

A series of actions taken post-webinar to remain close to the audience. It includes follow-up e-mails or follow-up webinars.

The initial, free version of a webinar account available with limited features and options.

A webinar conducted without pricing the attendees

A Webinar package that provides technology and a team to facilitate the delivery of the event.


An integration of a webinar platform with a top-rated online email marketing platform. It enables creating valuable contacts of prospects, partners, and clients to develop a relationship and build a responsive and profitable customer base.

A webinar designed and provided as a friendly guide to new webinar users.

It is a web analytics service to track and report website traffic. Google Analytics can be integrated with the webinar platform to analyze demographics and localization of the webinar attendees.

An online calendar application integration with a webinar platform that allows manage and schedule the webinar.

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows quick and easy updation of tracking codes on the website. It is a centralized code management system to manage codes from various social media channels used to promote the webinar to get the webinar content in front of more users.

A contact list available in the webinar panel.

A renowned professional connected with your business, invited to present a speech at the webinar where they are not the host.


The leads in the webinar that can easily be converted into customers.

A video of high resolution. It provides a seamless experience to the attendees of the webinar.

A feature intended for online educators. Presenters can provide educational assignments to their students or attendees by sharing documents during e-learning webinars.

A person or company that moderates or interviews for a webinar event.

A convenient way to use videos on web pages. It provides a better solution for uploading and broadcasting video content and webinars without the need for extra plug-ins

The process of connecting HubSpot with the webinar platform to build and develop the contact list. It helps the automatic export of attendee and meeting data to the HubSpot account.

The event that combines a live in-person meeting with the virtual online component. It helps reach the audience globally.


The process of connecting Infusionsoft with the webinar CRM. It helps organize the contact list and build into a well-segregated group. One can export the attendee and webinar data from the webinar platform automatically into the Infusionsoft software.

The feature within Instagram that allows live broadcasting video to inform followers and announce about the webinar. The attendees can signup for a webinar or visit a landing page with a link in the bio

Integration refers to a platform’s ability to communicate with the CRM

The tools used to make the webinar more engaging to the audience during the webinar. The interactive features include the whiteboard with a set of drawing tools, chat mode, audio mode, Q&A session, screen sharing, polls & surveys, etc.

The virtual video calls held within the team in a business. Internal video calls are essential for keeping the team members in the loop, especially for companies with remote employees or different office locations.

The process of connecting Apple iWork with the webinar platform. Apple iWork simplifies the process of creating the document, spreadsheets, and presentations. This integration helps to upload the content made on Apple iWork into the webinar room and share it during the event.


A video-conference that generally occurs in large meeting spaces and auditoriums, in which several employees connect remotely. These meetings intend to keep the employees up to date on the company’s important events and milestones. Large/all-hands panels ensure that the team is informed of the companywide updates and working towards the common goal without the need for physical presence.

An individual or organization that is interested in what the business is doing. The interest is expressed in sharing contact information, like an email ID, a phone number, or even a social media handle.

A directory with a lead list available in the CRM platform and a webinar account panel. It includes contacts, possibly the business, and demographic details.

The action or process that involves identifying and building potential customers for a business’s product or service

The webinars that improve the business relationship with the audience and move them down the funnel. These webinars are designed for existing customers who have a high-level understanding of what your business does.

The webinars conducted at several stages of lead to a business to increase lead engagement.

The feature that provides an easy way to create and join professional events and webinars that interest the audience.

The process of connecting the LinkedIn social network with the webinar platform. This integration helps to inform the LinkedIn connections about the upcoming online events.

The event occurring in realtime and broadcasted to several audiences in different locations.

A webinar feature that enables the streaming of events live on various social networking platforms.

A webinar conducted in real-time, unlike the pre-recorded or on-demand webinars.

A software application intended to assist online courses and training management.

A waiting room where the attendees wait before the webinar starts. The host can customize the lobby and include a webinar plan.


Events such as webcasts, webinars, virtual events that are managed by the events team.

The webinars designed to help position a speaker or company as specialists in their fields. These generally include smaller audiences than webcasts and usually interactive.

The content used in the presentation. One can use Powerpoint(pptx, ppt)as content in the webinar and mp4 videos in a scheduled replay or On-Demand webinars.

The chairperson of the event that helps the event run smoothly. They manage the event stay intact by; introducing the presentation, welcoming the speakers & handling the live Q&A.

The event in which the hosts/presenters are in-charge. They arrange a pre-webinar setup, presenter training, media creation, etc. Event Coordinators are present throughout the event to ensure success.

The bringing together of Moodle Learning Management System with the webinar platform to function together as a system. The integration allows transforming the learning platform into a fully-functional online education environment with live sessions in a virtual classroom

It allows speakers or hosts to publish a webinar on multiple channels and control access to the content.

A technical option available in the survey form that lets the audience mark more than one answer in the post-webinar survey/poll.

The feature that allows two or more co-workers to log into the webinar platform. This feature enables avoiding confusion over credentials and save money on the cost of multiple accounts.


A webinar intended to show the existing customers new or less commonly known features of a product or new ways to use and get more value from them. These webinars reveal new development and generate excitement among the audiences.


A process of introducing new employees to the company. In large organizations where there is a global distribution of business units, webinars are the only choice to handle customer onboarding online.

The discussion between two people in private through video chats virtually. One-to-one conversations help business managers manage employees working remotely.

On-demand webinars allow the recording of the webinar automatically in the cloud and schedule a webinar with registration. After the webinar, the attendees can access the link to the recorded webinar after registration.

The feature that allows the audiences to view the webinar content whenever at his or her schedule’s convenience.

The feature that allows the audiences to view the webinar content whenever at his or her schedule’s convenience.

The courses conducted on a web platform, virtually in the form of a webinar. It is a flourishing inclination in the education industry.

An event that involves people interacting in a virtual environment rather than a physical location. These events provide a similar experience as a physical event

A virtual session to connect people in the form of a conference. Online meeting is an excellent way of business communication and can be organized using webinar platforms.

A form of instruction that takes place entirely on the internet. It involves various multimedia elements, including graphics, audio, video, and web-links.

The training system and learning as a group, through collaborative activities virtually without being physically present.


A feature that allows the monetization of webinars.

A round-table conference with a group of industry experts. It is an excellent approach because it lets the business showcase that they are the field lead. Generally, the moderator manages such webinar types and asks about three to five panelists about their opinions and experiences concerning various topics.

A feature in the webinar platform that allows the hosting of several events simultaneously.

One of the post-webinar stats that indicates the attendees’ ratings and comments about the hosted webinar.

The process of streaming webinar events directly to Twitter Audience.

The information, when used alone or with other relevant data, identifies an individual. The PII includes information like name, address, social security number, etc.. There are sensitive and non-sensitive forms of PII.

A type of testing that verifies the entire system under a real-time operating condition. The Pilot Test’s purpose is to evaluate the feasibility, time, cost, risk, and performance of a webinar.

Pipedrive is the CRM platform that helps business visualize their sales process and increase productivity. The integration of Pipedrive with the webinar enables automatic exporting of attendee and webinar data into the Pipedrive account.

An audio file posted on the website that people can download and listen to it. Businesses use this tactic to showcase themselves as well-established in their field or share information about their product or service.

A web window with questions that appear during a webinar to encourage audience participation.

A web window that appears to the attendees during the webinar that indicates specific actions the user needs to perform within a webinar platform.

A webinar conducted after the transaction or product purchase by the clients. Post-sale webinars are generally useful to up-sell or cross-sell by offering bonuses and discounted upgrades, to keep them coming back.

The entire group of slides that builds up your webinar presentation.

A webinar conducted for lead nurturing or converting cold contacts into hot leads before the deal closing. It can include a product demo webinar or other types of content sharing.

The document with competent slide content about a particular topic created in PowerPoint or other software applications to demonstrate a subject to the audience.

A speaker, a host, or an expert invited by the host in the webinar. A presenter drives the presentation and interacts with the attendees during the webinar.

An add-on available on the webinar platform to increase the seats for presenters. The number of presenters allowed in the webinar depends on the plan size of the webinar account.

A chat mode in the webinar room that allows two people in the webinar to build conversation privately. The dialogue can be between the two presenters or the presenter and the attendee

A webinar conducted to showcase the business product or services to the existing audience or new potential customers.

A webinar conducted before launching a new product into the market to create a buzz and interest among the audience.

A webinar conducted to make the customers aware of the degree to which the business product satisfies strong market demand.

The personalized page with identification information hosted on a webinar platform’s pages. The business needs to have an outstanding profile page with the logo and brand colors to create a great impression with the audience.

An individual or an organization that hasn’t shown interest in your business product or service but matches the brand’s ideal customer profile. Webinars are a great tool to approach them.

A sales and marketing strategy of attracting a lead to the brand, creating long-term brand loyalty, and building strong business relationships. Webinars play a significant role in this, like sharing ideas and assisting in solving the audience’s problems.

It is sales a marketing strategy intended for short-term actions and promoting a product or a service to a potential client.


The concluding section of a webinar allocated for a productive dialogue between a presenter and the participants. The attendees ask the presenter about specific aspects of the presented topic, and the presenter provides them with the answer based on his/her knowledge and experience.

A separate window accessible in a webinar room within the webinar platform, dedicated to a Q&A session.


An add-on that one can buy as an account upgrade in the webinar platform. It provides extra space for storing the recorded webinars.

The tag attached to the end of the registration page Url of the webinar to track the source of registration. One can use the unique registration page links for different marketing campaigns, organizations, etc. The registration reports reflect the collected source of registration data.

The webpage where the attendees’ signup for the webinar.

The tools used to track users that visit the webinar pages like a profile page, registration page, etc., and reintroduce the webinar suggestion to them along their webinar journey.

A follow-up e-mail to remind the attendees about an upcoming webinar event.

The feature that enables collecting the bits and pieces necessary to conduct collaborative work across the Internet. It provides the conference room environment, video, and audio and will cover other media commonly used in local conferencing such as data, text, still images, and CD-ROM.

An online interactive conference – a presentation, seminar, lecture, workshop, etc. – held over the Internet remotely.

Reporting allows full visibility of the event data like who attended the webinar and for how long.

The webinars that aim to influence public perception about the brand or the business.

The commercial solution for enterprises that include custom branding, independent web infrastructure under the business URL, custom mobile apps, and custom packages for resale.

The resources like file, audio, video, or download links are made available to the attendees by adding it in the resource tab in a webinar platform’s auditorium.

The metric that measures the number of attendees returning after showing up to the webinar. This metric indicates that these are the people who are likely to become customers, which may be a major goal of the webinar.

The volume of recording space in the webinar account, which can be freed to reuse the space to store newly recorded webinars.


The webinars or events managed independently without any aid.

One of the tools available in the webinar room to create different shapes during the presentation on a whiteboard.

These webinars are recorded in advance of the broadcasted time; however, the host can interact with the audience in real-time.

A system for instant messaging and collaboration. Slack is the new way for the business to interact, as communication is organized that is easy to create, join, and search. The slack integration with the webinar platform helps run and manage online events directly from slack

Online advertising that focuses on social networks to promote the webinar event.

The process involved in increasing the webinar’s reach by sharing the webinar invitations with contacts on social networking sites.

A solutions webinar offers customized strategic and sales solutions to businesses globally. The webinars are designed to fulfill the unique requirements of the organization.

The graphics, photos, or text displayed as a holding image on the media windows when the media is not yet steaming during the webinar.

The process in which the company invests money or resources into a nonprofit virtual event in exchange for specific promotional benefits. Webinars similar to physical events have expenses that include technology, speaker fees, design, marketing, and people teams, and sponsorship is a great way to handle it.

A premium add-on bought in the webinar platform to increase the webinar account panel’s storage capacity. The add-on is useful when large files are used in the webinar presentation.

The continuous transmission of data over the internet. E.g., watching a real-time video.

An add-on that can be purchased that allows the colleagues, external consultants, or trainers to host and run their webinars within the same webinar account instead of buying the entire new webinar account.

A webinar that emphasizes the Proof of success and signature wins of an organization. Proof of success improves the reputation, credibility, and visibility of the business.

A research method conducted after the webinar to collect options and valuable feedback from the attendees.

A systems integrator is an individual or organization specializing in bringing together subsystems into a whole and ensuring that they function together. The webinars handled by system integrators for knowledge sharing, broadcasting information about the new trends in the business industry, or offering specific training on certain products is known as system Integrator Webinars.


A webinar that targets audiences based on market research and real data about existing customers.

The webinars that aim at reviewing new products, technologies, and techniques. Technology webinars help to discuss key technology issues by gathering technology industry experts and enthusiasts.

An audio-only meeting in which the participants dial into a common conference call bridge using an assigned passcode. Teleconferencing is ideal for the participants at different locations, small group meetings, and international callers.

One of the tools available in the webinar room to create educational content on a whiteboard.

Unlike ad-hoc event, time scheduled event is hosted at a certain time.

The thank-you page is a customized web page where the attendees are directed after performing certain actions like registration or the webinar’s conclusion. A page plays an important role as it ensures that the attendees take a desirable action.

The webinars that focus on the latest trends and industry developments. Thought leadership webinars ensure to bring strategic insight and new possibilities to the audiences.

One of the access types to webinar

One of the methods through which attendees can join by dialing-in to the webinar.

A transcoder is a software designed to create multiple video sizes and resolutions to make the playback compatible with the webinar attendees’ various devices and internet speeds.

The process of connecting Twitter into a webinar platform to share webinar information on Twitter to boost webinar attendance.


The system that allows the business to access the tools they need for communication like IM, telephony, and video conferencing using a single application.

URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier, an identifier of a particular resource like a page, a book, or a document. It is an email address for dialing into a video conference.

A sales strategy to influence clients to buy an advanced and related product or service along with the purchased product. Webinars can play a massive role in up-selling– after closing the sales deal, one can organize a follow-up, complimentary webinar to push more transactions.

A professional premium webinar account with several additional features and options.

A Uniform Resource Locator is a unique identifier of the resources on the internet. In terms of the webinar, the webinar profile page and webinar event have their unique URL.


The unique model in the webinar account panel in which the active speaker in the webinar is given the prioritized view to the rest of the participants.

A technology that allows the users located at different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without the need to move into a single place. Video conferencing helps in handling negotiating business deals, interviewing job candidates, or routine meetups.

View Through Rate is a metric that measures the attendees who watched the complete webinar.

The process of including a video to invite the leads to the webinar. The video has a higher conversion rate compared to other forms of marketing.

The software in the webinar platform that allows participants to share media in a video call.

A software that allows conducting the conference calls in a virtual meeting room of a webinar platform.

A comprehensive, multi-session events that emphasize a combination of webinars and webcasts.

The virtual event where exhibitors & visitors from the industry meet up to exchange knowledge, launch new products, services & trends, converse with prospects, generate revenue through an integrated e-commerce system.

A webcast or a keynote address by the speaker, which is broadcasted live over the internet on a source website to promote the event. Virtual keynotes amplify the event’s message through storytelling and branding of the event.

A reserved space in the webinar platform that allows multiple participants of the webinar to meet.

The term used to define people’s collaboration from different locations through video, audio, or text using the Internet. It allows people to share information in real-time without being together physically.

A collaborative conference held online that brings together expert speakers to present a particular topic.

The web-based platform that visually replicates a physical trade show environment. The attendees can watch live presentations and can also communicate with exhibitors virtually through web chats. Vendors exhibit their products and services at 3D virtual booths.

The protocol that enables the transmission of voice over the internet without the need to dial in for audio communication.

A virtual private network (VPN) allows sending and receiving the data across shared or public networks as if the computing devices are connected to a private network.


A subpage of the webinar panel where the attendees wait before the event is started.

Open-source software that enables web browsers and mobile applications with real-time communications through APIs(Application Program Interface).

A video camera that streams an image or video in real-time to a computer through the Internet. It is an excellent approach to bringing a human element into the webinar as the audience sees the speaker than just the PowerPoint.

A video telecast of an event distributed over the Internet.

The online service to hold live meetings, conferences, or presentations virtually using the Internet. Users can host web conferences through desktop, smartphones, or tablets.

Online advertising to promote the webinar to the audience to attract interest, engagement, and sales.

The feature that allows viewing of the in-depth data of the hosted webinar in easy-to-read charts or statistics.

The document that contains the collection of computational data or statistics of the webinar.

The process of sending the information or message related to the webinar to the audience.

Webinar as a Service is a way of delivering webinars over the Internet-as a service.

The predesigned document used to quickly create an advertisement to promote the webinar without having to think about formatting.

It involves planning, developing, and delivering real-time internet based seminars where people attend remotely.

The percentage of attendees to the webinar that completed the desired goal out of the total number of attendees. A high webinar conversion is indicative of a successful webinar.

The practice of raising funds for the business by convincing the target audience about the organization’s goals through webinars.

An individual or an organization that collaborates with the webinar creators, purchases webinars, and sells them through a distribution channel. The right webinar distributor enhances a company’s exposure to the market.

The cost imposed on the attendees to attend the(paid) webinar.

The environment that allows businesses to host interactive live sessions, recorded promotional, or educational video presentations to existing or potential customers.

A quick, understandable symbol that represents a command. The webinar icons can be used on the website landing page, mobile app, graphic design projects, etc.

These are the customized e-mails sent to invite leads to the webinar. The recipient of the invitation can be the webinar attendees or other presenters. A valuable webinar platform allows us to copy and paste the contacts, add entire webinar groups from the panel or the previous session attendees.

The site over the internet, which is used to advertise the webinar event and reach interested audiences. One can add the important webinar details like time, date, hosts, presenters, and the webinar registration page.

The feature that enables recording of the live webinar and reusing it as an on-demand webinar. The webinar recording is stored in the webinar account panel.

Webinar Return on Investment is a performance metric used to measure the amount of return from a webinar, compared to its expenditure.

A web panel in the webinar platform to manage and host webinar events.

The quantified data about a particular webinar to obtain useful predictions and trends.

The reserved space in the webinar account panel to store and organize webinar-related files like presentations, recordings, chat logs, etc.

The webinar account panel feature, which contains the list of past and upcoming webinar events with statistics and data. With a webinar timeline, one can also create new events from scratch or duplicate past events.

A useful feature in the webinar platform that allows the host to deliver the presentation effectively and collaborate with the webinar attendees creatively.


An online video sharing platform that lets the user engage with the audience in real-time with chat, video feed, and more.