Conference Management Glossary

Bruhatee’s conference management glossary provides definitions for all the common terms that marketing professionals should know for efficiently executing virtual conferences. These are simple terminologies that everyone in marketing needs to understand. A central repository of conference management terminologies for you to refer to anytime at your convenience.


A yearly regular gathering is a gathering of the overall enrollment of an association. These associations incorporate participation affiliations and organizations with investors. These gatherings might be legally necessary or by the constitution, sanction, or by-laws overseeing the body.

An activity of the Convention Industry Council. Intended to create and actualize industry-wide acknowledged practices, APEX unites industry experts with cost investment funds and better instruction.

This term alludes to a comprehensive value given, regularly utilized by numerous settings and providers, that incorporates all shrouded charges, for example, assessments and tips.

Programming that permits function organizers and chiefs to make an information base of contacts so they can all the more likely screen, oversee, and keep in touch connections.

A proportion of the number of function registrants really join in, determined by isolating the quantity of flake-outs by complete registrants for the function or meeting

Alludes to hardware with both sound and visual parts function organizers use for introductions, including screens, screens, projectors, amplifiers, video, and sound gear.

‘Expanded Reality’ is an innovation that superimposes a live immediate or roundabout perspective on a physical, true climate, frequently over various tactile modalities.


This abbreviation means ‘Business to Business’ functions, which means corporate or exchange related functions.

Something contrary to B2B, this abbreviation signifies ‘Business to Consumer/Customer’ functions, frequently identifying with more buyer and public-confronting functions.

This term alludes to territories of help and administration for the most part not seen by visitors, offered by the inn, function setting or office.

Additionally called a “Program Execution Order (PEO), this request for directions plots all function coordinations and guidelines a setting requires to effectively execute a function. This archive subtleties the timings of the function, space or room arrangement, menu choices, general media necessities, and how the function will be run.

An intricate and formal dinner for some individuals.

A top managerial staff is a gathering of individuals who together administer the exercises of an association, which can be either a for-benefit or a charitable association, for example, a business, philanthropic association, or an administration office

These terms all mean to bring down gear and gather up things that have been set up for a function, after the function is finished.

This term alludes to an office, set of rooms, or region in an inn or function scene utilized for the sole reason for successful conferences and introductions. Different office offices and administrations, for example, printing and copying are offered to help the function group nearby.


Various little round tables are spread out with seats confronting the stage territory, with a hole nearest to the speaker/entertainer so no participants have their backs to the front.

This agreement provision subtleties the terms and conditions under which an organization may drop or end the arrangement or reservation.

Information base programming that contains data about accessibility, rates, and related administrations, and through which reservations can be made.

A very much perceived accreditation programs for experts in the gathering, show, and display enterprises, coordinated by the Convention Industry Coun

A contract is the award of power or rights, expressing that the granter officially perceives the privilege of the beneficiary to practice the rights indicated

This setting configuration sees the room set up with tables and seats in columns shaping a V-development confronting the stage.

A scholarly workshop generally drove by an alternate teacher and on an alternate subject at each gathering or comparatively to an instructional exercise drove by understudies just like the case in Norway.

 A private gathering or mystery get together particularly

During bigger functions, meeting organizers frequently have more limited instructive gatherings known as ‘simultaneous meetings’ which are booked to occur simultaneously, each zeroing in on an alternate subject or topic. Participants can pick which meeting, or track, interests them the most.

Glossary of meeting wording

This style is like U Shape, anyway there are four sides and no open end, with the crowd all confronting inwards. – Does not take into consideration a primary introduction zone or point of convergence.

A contingency plan is a plan devised for a result other than in the standard thing (expected) plan. It is frequently utilized for hazard the executives for an extraordinary danger that, however improbable, would have disastrous results

Otherwise called a ‘reinforcement plan,’ this archive has an emergency the board plan arranged ahead of time before the function happens. This is to deliver what to do if a crisis happens or if the planned function plan changes.

A convention and guest bureau (CVB) is a local tourism marketing association that works in developing convention, meeting and gathering business just as relaxation travel to a city, district or area.

The critical path is the longest succession of exercises in a project plan which must be finished on time for the undertaking to finish on due date.


Day Delegate Rate, or DDR, is a charge by a setting for every participant, every day for a function, in view of an entire day’s gathering. Contingent upon the scene, DDR can incorporate gathering room recruit, rewards, lunch, and meeting gear.

An objective administration organization (DMC) is an outsider firm that is normally employed to offer proficient types of assistance for the arranging and usage of away function projects and administrations.

Drayage is the vehicle of merchandise over a short separation in the delivery and coordinations ventures. Drayage is regularly essential for a more extended generally move, for example, from a boat to a stockroom.


Early is the catchphrase here for enrollment for a function, which regularly implies tickets and administrations bought before a predetermined date are accessible at a decreased charge.

An emcee is the individual who fills in as the host of a function by presenting entertainers, speakers, or different members.

A planned time when a gathering or individual will leave a scene.

A planned time when a gathering or individual will show up at a scene.


An abbreviation for ‘Food and Beverage,’ which alludes to a cooking administration gave by a setting during a function.

A power majeure statement in an agreement would ordinarily incorporate a thorough rundown of functions, for example, demonstrations of God, war, illegal intimidation, seismic tremors, storms, demonstrations of government, blasts, fire, infections or pestilences or a non-comprehensive rundown wherein the gatherings essentially describe what by and large comprise power majeure functions and from that point add “and such different acts or functions that are outside the ability to control of gatherings”


A social event with exceptional excitements or exhibitions.

This term alludes to the predefined time for group and staff to show up and access a setting for arrangement before people in general or visitors show up.


‘Top quality Multimedia Interface’ (HDMI) is an advanced sound/video/information connector; a trade for simple video norms that is viable with PC screens, video projectors, computerized TVs, and computerized sound gadgets.

A charge paid to a visitor speaker.


Likewise called ‘Arrangement and Take Down’— the way toward planning hardware for a function and dismantling that gear after the function.

Another word for a timetable, plan, or program. A point by point function schedule can be made for participants or group briefings to plot the progression of the function.


Normalized metric for estimating the unwaveringness of an association’s customer connections. Regular NPS studies ask clients likely they are to prescribe an assistance or item to a companion.

When a ticket has been given, on the off chance that it’s alluded to as ‘non adaptable’, at that point no name changes are permitted to be made.

A normal visitor (for example delegate, inn visitor, participant) who doesn’t join in and hasn’t instructed the coordinator or lodging with respect to an arranged nonattendance or postponement.


An estimation normally utilized by email advertisers that alludes to the quantity of people who have ‘opened’ or ‘saw’ an email conveyed in a mission. Open rate following is accessible through most email promoting suppliers.

Alludes to the quantity of spot settings over an assurance. A cook or scene will ‘over-set’ past the assurance number mentioned by the function have, yet the customer will just compensation for the quantity of seats and dinners really concurred or devoured by participants.


A public location framework is an electronic framework including mouthpieces, intensifiers, amplifiers, and related gear. It builds the clear volume of a human voice, instrument, or other acoustic sound source or recorded sound or music.

Duty and tips are distinguished as “++” when they are excluded from the cost.

Additionally alluded to as ‘Dinner style’ or ‘Round set’, this guest plan is intended for enormous crowds for functions, for example, grants services and celebrations, where there are ordinarily round tables of 8-10 visitors situated.

Exhortation earlier offered to function coordinators that incorporates positive and additionally negative remarks, recommendations, and notes gave by visitors after the function, all together for function organizers and coordinators to increase a comprehension of victories and where enhancements can be made.

A post-function report pulls together important information, insights and data that has been assembled in the number one spot up to, during and after an event.

Used to qualify participants before the function and assemble information about them, this sort of data includes a poll used to accumulate data from participants, with questions regularly asked during the online function enlistment measure.

Likewise alluded to as ‘Advance Registration,’ this expression implies booking onto a gathering or function before the day of the function.

An official statement is an official assertion conveyed to individuals from the news media to give data, an official assertion, or making a declaration.

This is a receipt (or bill) gave by a provider preceding the event arrangement of the administration.

A product launch refers to a business’ arranged and facilitated exertion to make a big appearance a new product to the market and make that product generally accessible for procurement. A product launch serves numerous reasons for an association—allowing clients to purchase the new product is just one of them.

Additionally called a “Dinner Event Order (BEO), this request for directions plots all function coordinations and guidelines a scene requires to effectively execute a function. This report subtleties the timings of the function, space or room arrangement, menu choices, general media necessities, and how the function will be run.

A composed proposal from a seller to a planned purchaser, delivered because of a request. This proposition will endeavor to coordinate the necessities and detail costs, accessibility, and determinations for the expected customer


This is the standard rate for a lodging without limits, which is frequently the most noteworthy rate distributed.

This is a fundamental advance to a ‘Solicitation for Proposal’ (see beneath), where an organization explores possible sellers for insights regarding their items and administrations.

A proper solicitation by a function or meeting organizer, which records/subtleties the entirety of the details needed for the function, shipped off providers all together for the organizations to draw up a proposition of their administrations and offer for the business.

The benefit or other increase a function produces for coordinators. Concerning value, the quantifiable measure of net gain or benefit an organization produces with the cash investors have contributed. With the ‘Profit For Event’ express, ROE can allude to the worth brand mindfulness practices brings, and not simply the commitment to deals volume.

An exhibition measure key to meeting organizers and associations. This alludes to the proportion between the net benefit made and the expense of interest in the creation of a function.

In functions, this usually refers to food, drink, and different solicitations that an entertainer has determined ought to be accommodated them behind the stage. It can also mean an alteration to an agreement.

Evaluating the chance of injury or misfortune to the individual going to the meeting and guaranteeing there is satisfactory protection covering potential wounds or misfortune. Function organizers regularly give a definite Risk Assessment to each function they oversee.


A seminar is a type of scholastic guidance, either at a scholarly establishment or offered by a business or expert association. It has the capacity of uniting little gatherings for repeating gatherings, zeroing in each time on some specific subject, in which everybody present is mentioned to take an interest.

This is one gathering, introduction, or workshop that can occur in a breakout room during a bigger gathering or meeting.

A measured framework (which typically comes in one-meter modules) utilized at displays to exhibit organizations’ items and administrations.

At the point when a gathering or function organizer needs to look at and visit a forthcoming or booked setting, they coordinate a site visit.

Texture that is attached around tables, risers, and stages—frequently concealing strings, leads, and capacity.

This abbreviation represents the ‘Social, Military, Educational, Religious, and Fraternal’ areas of the gatherings business.

Dissimilar to a shell conspire contract where the secluded framework is given, an exhibitor can pick the space just choice, which alludes to space on a presentation show floor, of which the exhibitor can be innovative and needs to give their own display stand.

Meeting or function necessities.


The name of an individual or organization that has been employed to engage at a function, show items, work at a display/meeting to welcome guests, stage an exhibition, or host an honors service.

The function supervisory group chooses this date for the appearance of cargo at a function—if shipments are gotten previously or after this deadline, a punishment expense might be charged

To be declared/To be affirmed

A meeting being communicated at the same time to numerous destinations through telephone or other sound.

Likewise called ‘projection separation.’ Refers to the good ways from a video projector to the screen. Toss separation can affect screen size and goal

A composed or composed report that has recorded a discourse or conversation from a function or meeting


Worth added is the extra value created well beyond the original value of something. It can apply to items, administrations, organizations, the board, and different regions of business.

A utilization charge generally utilized in the European Union.

Web Conferencing is an online assistance by which you can hold live meetings, conferencing, introductions and trainings by means of the internet particularly on TCP/IP associations.

Computer-generated reality is a recreated experience that can be like or totally unique in relation to this present reality.

A virtual tradeshow is a kind of virtual function run in an online climate, that is facilitated online for a restricted timeframe. It tends to be viewed as what could be compared to a customary tradeshow or display, yet exhibitors and guests associate with each other on the web, as opposed to face to face.


A customer is ‘waitlisted’ when a function, meeting, or space is completely reserved. They can be hung on a shortlist for retractions and if a spot turns out to be free they can be offered the occasion to join in.

In contrast to a virtual climate, virtual universes frequently require programming downloads. Participants, by and large, make their symbols and travel through the climate, visiting virtual reciprocals of theaters, show spaces, and the sky is the limit from there.

An introduction, meeting, discussion, or course broadcast over the web.

This can mean either the end a function or meeting or a question following a function, also called a ‘wash-up’ meeting.